Sunday, March 31, 2024

Planning the CCR

 Hey Blog!

after finishing the entire film opening i thought that would be the hardest part i was wrong coming up with a CCR is hard. i definitely decided to do a podcast because it something i find enjoyable to hear but I don't want it to be just me talking so I've been looking at sound effects to make it more interesting as well as maybe add the music incorporate the music I used for the film opening to make it more entertaining  to sit through. 

For the second CCR i wanted to do some sort of game or something a little more entertaining then just me sitting there answering questions at least have something appealing to watch. While looking at some example i saw how some people incorporated clips of their project into their CCR so the audience had something to see then just the person and its definitely something i would like to do, cause it more fun to watch. 

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 so the CCR are here 1:  CCR poadcast.m4a 2.