Next week
- start the social media page
- as well as creating a story board for our idea
-start posting
Week 3/3-3/9
- get actors
- have a shooting schedule
Week 3/10-3/16
- hopefully start filming
- see changes that need to be done
week 3/17 - 3/23
- more filming
- see changes that need to be done
Week 3/24- 3/30
- filming
- see changes that need to be done
Week 3/31-4/6
- filming to get done
-start editing
Week 4/7-4/9
- finish the short film
- write the critical reflection
Obviously this schedule is not set in stone its just a timeline I needed to write down to keep track what has to be done each week so that we can finish on time. And sometime things happen that would end up having tweak the schedule but hopefully we can keep on track. And we should be posting on the social media at least 3x times a week so we would have to find time to make maybe a poster and photos and coe up with way to make the social media page more engage i didnt include it there cause i feel like its mostly a weekly thing.
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