Friday, March 22, 2024

Film day 1

Hey blog! 

First day of filming, my friend Anenaa agreed to help me today to be my actor for this scene even with the scheduling conflict (so I started filming later then expected). As well had to change the order of what I wanted to film so I end up filming in chronological order that means I had to tweak what I wanted to film and be on set. 

I originally wanted  to be have multiple drawings of the character Mara around the set room but since I hadn’t film her scene first, so we changed it to something more simple as just one drawing of Mara in a journal. And in all honestly focusing on one drawing made it seem more ominous. 

As well as the lighting I knew I wanted to use LED lights in this scene but I wanted it to change colors to show something supernatural is happing but while filming it just didn’t look so great so I ended up just using the LED light in the blue color and I think it still brought in the supernatural aspect without being too obvious. 

Honestly I’m actually happy about how today went sooo let’s hope that it turns out well tomorrow

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