Monday, October 30, 2023

sound project

 This assignment was to create a story only using sounds. Me and my partner created a storyline that a young woman is at a party the cops show up at.  

We used foley to create the sounds of heels, glass breaking with a key and a glass, door slamming with a book, and knowing with objects.  We embedded these sounds with sound effects to make a more realistic effect to make the scene audio more immersive. We layered audio to create this chaotic sound of a party.  With the foley for the heels we choose a specific type of floor that is more hallowed to give the impression that she was walking in a nice area.   

This project turned out well, but details could have been better defined. The music fades before the sirens of the police go off and should be after. And work on establishing better the setting of the excerpt.  


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 so the CCR are here 1:  CCR poadcast.m4a 2.