Sunday, March 9, 2025

Talking about

 Today my group and I talked about what we are planning to do with the Instagram. We thought to do a 9 post grid post but we thought that was too much so we ended up with going with 3 but we aren't sure if we make the tittle the middle post or different post. But it usually brings a lot of attention to the posts because its big and since it goes for multiple post it draws attention as son as you open the page. 

We came up with drafts but on Canva it was hard to make it look good the best one was another groups member draft, but its still doesn't look perfect, and I don't know what to do it to make it look better (im unfortunately terrible at working on Canva) so I'm not know where to start. But we really need to stay on top of the social media because I feel that we are lacking. 

Saturday, March 8, 2025


 Okay so after the group meeting i realized that we have around 4 more weeks of the project and I don't want to say we have to speed run the project but we definitely need to start to move the project faster. so as a group we decided to reevaluate our scheduled to fix it to make up with us running a bit late on the project. 

Week 3/10-3/16
- Make initial social media posts (tease name and reveal name)
- Finalize plot outline 
- Create story board

Week 3/17-3/23
-Social media introduce creators and actors
-Use weekends to film or after school hours throughout the week
-Film at least enough to create a teaser 

Week 3/24-3/30
- Spring Break (which two of us are leaving for so we cant film)
- Discuss prior to leaving visions for teaser
-  edit teaser 
-Post teaser

Week 3/31-4/6
-Finalize shooting and refilm if necessary
-Edit full trailer and post
-Edit full short film throughout the week
-work on print 

Week 4/7-4/9
-Finish everything we haven't finished
-Write our Critical Reflections
-Cheer after we're done and cry that it's over

Friday, March 7, 2025

group meetings

 I'm going to be honest. I feel so much better to see what the rest of my peers are at in their project, because I don't feel like I'm falling behind anymore. But I've also come to the realization we all need to start to come to finalization by the end of the week. Our short films need to find a good location to film, especially with our need to have a very specific place to make our story make sense, a bathroom, so location is extremely important.   So my group has to come out where we want film by next week because in that i feel like we are falling behind.

A suggestion that I thought was interesting was to create a voice over for the writing so we could make her writing seem more interest, because unfortunately a lot of people don't want to spend most pf a short film reading, or are too slow in reading (that I know happens to me all the time when watching things). As well as he need to come up with a more in detailed plot that i already feel like we needed cause we have an idea but we keep going in circle about what we want to do, like what they are writing.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

oscar nominated short films

 So earlier today I got dragged by a friend to go watch all the Oscar nominated short films, and I thought about using it as learning experience and after many tears (because why were they all soooooooo sad) I  realized that a lot of the films were based on something already known to the majority of the audience. 

This short film A Lien is based on the way ICE separates families in the US. and how a simple film with one location can get so many people sobbing their eyes out. That's when it hit me that to create a good short film isn't about getting the best dialogue (although this is extremely helpful) its being able to find an idea that many can relate to themselves in any semblance of a way. Although many people in America aren't immigrants (though a lot are) they are able to feel for this family being torn apart. They did this well by in the first scene establishing the family and characters, for our short film we have to find a good way to establish the characters to make them relatable and i think that is something we have to try hard to think about. 

As a group we thought hard on the plot but we haven't thought about the characters individually which I'm now starting to realize its a big mistake and its definitely something I'm going to talk to my group about when we talk next week because were trying to establish a well thought out story and you cant do that with out knowing your characters. The fact that we haven't even figure out the names is something i want to figure out when we get into class. 

Talking about

 Today my group and I talked about what we are planning to do with the Instagram. We thought to do a 9 post grid post but we thought that wa...