Sunday, February 16, 2025

Doc research

So documentary if I’m going to be honest I don’t watch any documentary by my own violation unless it’s a murder doc but obviously we aren’t doing one so I went out to search for one that was a topic that interest me that was closer to something we could do a story on. 

Now we did do a doc earlier on on the year and I did some research earlier on but I wanted to do research specifically on episodic docs since that’s what the A level project since we have to be promoting one we come up with and Film a clip for it. 

The first one is a documentary on Netflix called 7 days out 

 This documentary is about the 7 days out is about all the preparation put into hosting any huge event. 
The actual documentary is interesting because each episode focuses on different people and professions preparing for a huge event that usually people forget need preparation. If my group did decided to do to documentary I think we would lean to this style where there is a common theme of the episode but it doesn't have a continues story through every episode. But through watching these episodes i did learn that with the similar style of filming and interviews that it did feel like a cohesive series without feeling too separate. 

Now i could find barley any promotion for this series except post from the cast and crew who posted promo in their own Instagram which does lead the target audience to see the promotional but with Netflix having a big account you would think they would at least post the poster but they didn't. But this did remind me of another Netflix documentary series i did research on earlier in the year this show is called Abstract. 

This Instagram page really caught my eye when i first saw it because it  follows a clean, minimalist, and vibrant color scheme with photos and quotes of the artist the made a documentary on this helps the audience get to know the subjects better making them more interested in watching the show. The cohesive aesthetic makes the audience more likely to look through since it draws more attention. For the a level project if my group actually is able to sit down and have conversation and chooses to do a documentary i think this Instagram page would be a great example on how to do a promotional page that is able to highlight each episode and person/ thing its following without giving people whiplash and no connections. 

Ok that is basically all for today but hopefully next time I post I will have a definite answer on what me and my group are doing and I can start posting on starting the project! <3

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Short film research

I don’t know what are we going to decided so I’m doing research of both…….. Short film ok so this one I’ve done quite a bit cause they are some good ones on YouTube. 

My personal favorite 


    This short film is about a kid finding old tapes of his mother building a treehouse with a new friend and maybe it turned to something more. I really liked this piece because they were very little dialogue and if screenwriting turns out to not be my strong suit it is nice to see a well made short film not entirely relying on dialogue and still getting the story across also I like how they didn’t have a huge production and different places and instead mainly one location, and how even without needing to move different places you can still have a full story. The clothing showing the time period as well as the effect, it’s a good representation for a romance short film. I also decided to see how they promoted this film, I found it by a short teaser posted on to TikTok that piqued my interest. Which makes sense because a lot of films are promoting there films on TikTok so why would a short film be any different.  They don’t have a separate Instagram specifically for the short film but the director made several post leading up to the release including a trailer and some behind the scenes pictures as well as pictures of scenes in the film. 



This short film is about 3 girls who accidentally hit a man on the road and are trying to hide the evidence.  This is comedic and was good to watch for if we choose to take a more comedic (or even if we want to have a comedic scene) short film. Being comedic to me personally is one of the hardest things to accomplish because you need timing, as well as in a film sometimes it’s body language that you might need to show different shots for to have a full affect.

     That even having the location of a dessert the lighting was very bright making the viewer have a happier even if the theme was actually pretty dark. It was interesting to see how the director decided to show the story with flashback there for comedic timing and how the dark humor didn’t feel dark at all. To see how this was promoted I went to the Instagram and they definitely had some fun with this and you can definitely see the comedic style  it was going for, with unserious posters to behind the scenes edited specifically to make audiences laugh they set it up well in this Instagram.


Thursday, February 13, 2025

Starting A level Portfolio

Okay so we started the portfolio project this week and I still have no idea what I’m doing. For this project we have to decide between making trailers, band promotion, short film, or documentary. And my group and I are still trying to decide if we want to do a short film or documentary and we keep coming up with ideas for both but came to zero conclusions on it so we have to discuss it this weekend. 

Documentary would be the safer option from both since we already made one, and already have the basics down. And already have a feel for it but the ideas we aren’t coming up with full form ideas but even with like a part of an idea I think we can make it work.

Short film would be more of a challenge I feel would be fun to try. I’ve not done this ever and seems to me personally a fun option but it does seem like I’m going to have to put in a lot of effort and time. Yet again we only have concepts of a plan and I’m not sure how it would turn out if we actually created them but I think they would be cool if done right.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Critical reflection

In the documentary called “ Off the Mic” created by my group, was created with the intent of showing poetry in a whole new light as an outlet for emotions rather than a boring subject in school we often ignore. Our two subjects, Anenaa and Sofia, are two young students who have decided to use poetry to express their feelings. The difference between the two is that Anenna is still in high school finding ways to share her poetry with her peers in any way she can, While Sofia is finding a way to be involved in her college and using poetry as way to help as as decided to pursue her major in creative writing and one of the major pieces they lean on is poetry.

As stated previously poetry is often seen as a boring piece of media we are forced to learn in school. Many times it's hard to even comprehend, because it is usually covered metaphors not understandable and overall hard to decipher what is being read, making a lot of people decide they dislike poetry just from seeing it in their school textbooks. In reality poetry can be a lot less complex than what we are taught in school. This documentary shows how poetry can be relatable to younger generations rather than be left only for the history books. The target audience was teenage kids who are interested in learning ways that poetry can help them develop a sense for themselves. It probably would gain a lot of attraction by poets who see themselves represented, but by bringing two teenage people for the documentary in different parts of their lives shows how poetry grows with you and how poets can adapt it into their lives no matter what stage they are in.

The documentary did a good job establishing the emotions behind the poets' reasons for doing poetry. By using the archive footage where they are presenting their pieces just to express themselves and not because we asked them too for this project. The subject looks like they enjoy doing poetry and brings a lot more emotion into then staged b-roll would've gotten. The montage at the beginning, which was an inspiration from Exit Through the Gift Shop montage of people doing street art at the start of the documentary, shows how powerful poetry can be and how personal the messages usually are. The indirect interview gives it the personal touch where the subjects seem to be talking to the camera makes the interviews seem more vulnerable which helps bring the point across that this is what poetry is all about, having a way to express your feeling without having to actually use the words.

If I was to redo this project I think I would add one more perspective maybe somebody older because Anenna and Sofia are both in similar ages even if one is in highschool and the other is college and i would like widen the age range and get maybe a little different perspective of someone who has been doing poetry for a longer time. To just see what they would talk about when looking back at how poetry affected their lives. It would be interesting because that is a possibility of how the other subjects will look back at poetry in their lives. And the contrast of ages would be nice to see and be represented.

Overall I'm proud of this project for my first informative piece. It was fun thing to explore poetry and to be able to share other stories with their experience with poetry and hopefully it can get other people to start enjoying poems. There were some mistakes with the audio being messed up from my groups lack checking even though we probably should've been extra careful to make sure the mic didn't die. We made it work, so the audio didn't sound wonky we used the camera audio for both interviews but it did serve as a lesson to always double check the equipment. And many plans were having to be cut last minute; it ended up being able to serve its purpose of getting the point across to the audience.

It really was a well-orchestrated project, and the effort put into it sure paid off in the result of the final production. Reflecting on this performance, I do think that Off the Mic did present how poetry can be one of the most relatable and powerful mediums for today's youth by urging viewers to reconsider their preconceived notions about poetry. I just hope this documentary might influence others to explore the world of poetry and find in it how to express oneself and deal with one's emotions. Not perfect, but this project stands to testify to my group's creativity and hard work; I will carry the experience in future projects.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Production: editing

 I always forget how tedious and long editing is. Even with a plan on how we wanted the end project to look like it took forever to edit. I tried to use adobe premier needlessly I failed miserably that I turned to Capcut (the better app, well easier app). 

The first thing was to find all the archive footage of open mics, competitions, and other time poetry was being presented. It was a long search in photo apps and a lot of begging for people to send videos but finally we had a lot of footage to work with then we had to find where to place everything even with 3 people working to find how to piece everything together it took so looong. 

Then I created the montage and trying find a way to have all the pieces of poetry flow as one took multiple tries and usually never sounded right because they had different sounds and different tones to what they were presenting and when i asked for help one of partner Nicole told me to find the most impactful which is usually at the beginning and the end so I did exactly that and it started to sound ten times better. And then we came up with the idea of making it look like a old footage so we made it look like a square. For the other archived footage we used a background because multiple of the video were filmed vertical rather than horizontal so we had to find a way for it all to fit and not look outofplaced. 

The final product: 

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Production Day: Filiming

 Filming was a process we had three days planed to filming the first did not end well due to a miscommunication on how to get to the place we were planning in filming but we end up getting there when the event was still going and got some good footage. Even if it was late and everyone was leaving and mostly packing up. The first location we were filming was a charity event with poetry as the main event we filmed an interview with a subject and got some shots of people receiving awards and other stuff. 

The other 2 days did go smoothly with no complication while being on filming interveiws we decide to have some footage of the subjects with some of their awards they got through poetry, as well as their interviews. We weren't sure if we wanted staged shots if it would take away the authentic feel from it but it turned out looking great so I'm not complain we did this choice and have a mix of staged b-roll and archive.   

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Planning for my own documentary

 The first thing my group needed to do for the documentary project was to choose a topic. We came up with multiple possibilities in what we wanted to do but then we had to consider the fact we had a limited time to do it. We came up with an idea to do a documentary centered on poetry since poetry seems to play in a big role in our lives and we had a friend, Anenaa who became one of the main subjects, who was going to do a poetry competition exactly the weekend we had to film. After some talking of the topic we realized we wanted to talk specifically how poetry can help and affect people with dealing emotions and lives. So we had to plan when and where we wanted to film, We originally wanted multiple people in the documentary talking about how poetry affected them but we settled on two subjects one still in high school and the other in college who had poetry be big part of their lives. So we had to find a time date because the subject in college is out of town but luckily was back home for the weekend so we had to find a time they were free. The Highschool subject was easier to find a date since they were less occupied after their competition. 

Next we had to come up with questions to lead the interview to get responses that would be good to use and we came up with: 

  • Talk about a piece

  • Can you describe your experience performing at LTAB 2024 as a senior?

  • How did you get into LPS in the first place?

  • Can you say that poetry helped you find yourself?

  • How have you seen that poetry has helped you find a community?

  • How has poetry continued to be relevant in your life after leaving LPS/graduating?

  • Can you talk about some of the rewarding experiences that have happened because of poetry?

  • How do you hope to take what you’ve learned through poetry in high school into your future?

These questions allowed the subjects a direction and they were open ended enough to get long response that end up very helpful when it came to having material cause we had a lot footage to work with and edit to make the documentary and we didn't need to refilm to find a way to make the interviews longer. 

Lastly we created an outline on how we wanted the order of the documentary to go and what we wanted to add as footage, which we decided to use archive footage, and how we were going to have the entire thing organized. 

The Planning made everything go extremely smooth and took a lot of stress off. I usually struggle to plan accordingly but the fact that i did in this project help me realize how necessary planning is to get a good outcome instead of scrambling to do everything on the go. 10/10 would recommend to plan everything even if you think you don't need it. 

Friday, December 6, 2024

Researching Documentaries

 Before this unit on documentaries I've never given any much thought, in my mind they were always these boring interviews for the news or this super dark crime documentaries and never thought of it as anything of these two sides but when my teacher showed the doc “I think this is the closest to how the footage looked” my perspective completely changed. This documentary is about a guy recreating the last moments he had with his mother, the emotional impact it had in the 10 minutes of the video made me realize how personal and emotional a documentary can really be.

The American Promise 

This documentary taught me how long the process of creating a documentary could take. It took 12 years just to finish filming, as they followed 2 boys journey through school. as well as it was interesting to see how close the directors and creators were to the subject chosen and how it impacted the story since the people creating the documentary was one of the subjects parent we got a lot more content from that subject. The fact that it was an excellent documentary with such a long story was fascinating because they were many things happing but it never lost the main focus of showing the journey of these kids in school. 

Exit through the Gift Shop 

Exit through the gift shop completely fascinated me. It was a documentary that used a lot of archival footage because it wasn't meant to be documentary and the footage was so raw and passionate for their topic. Graffiti art was represented with so much love that even though it was a biased towards the art it got the point across, even with the change of directors half way through production (which was much needed). It was such a fun and interesting piece with one of the main subjects face never even being shown so even though documentary's purpose was showing the truth it was able to create a mystery even more. 


Tuesday, April 2, 2024


 so the CCR are here

1: CCR poadcast.m4a


film opening

the movie film opening is here

or link

so it comes to an end ....

I made it! 
This project has come to an end and it wasn't as scary as everyone made it out to be. Even though there was a lot of last minuet changes during this productions, though the task seemed like so much of what i cant do in the beginning of the year I actually did it. ITS DONE!! like still cant believe its over. Starting out i had such a struggle to pick out what I even wanted to do for the story of this project but once I got it the ball started rolling and end up learning a lot of what is going in the head of everyone behind the scenes in huge production how every detail matters from hair to a pencil laying on the desk how intentional it is. 

For someone who never actually did any projects like this before I took AICE Media I'm proud of how the film opening ended up looking, though i figured out  much more enjoy putting the set and mis-en-scene elements in place as well as costuming then editing i had a lot of fun doing this project as well as seeing others work on theirs.  It was fun but tiring experience that left me stressing for days just thinking about it, but I'm glad i pushed through and came out with a final product (I seriously had no clue if i would). 

- Manuela

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Planning the CCR

 Hey Blog!

after finishing the entire film opening i thought that would be the hardest part i was wrong coming up with a CCR is hard. i definitely decided to do a podcast because it something i find enjoyable to hear but I don't want it to be just me talking so I've been looking at sound effects to make it more interesting as well as maybe add the music incorporate the music I used for the film opening to make it more entertaining  to sit through. 

For the second CCR i wanted to do some sort of game or something a little more entertaining then just me sitting there answering questions at least have something appealing to watch. While looking at some example i saw how some people incorporated clips of their project into their CCR so the audience had something to see then just the person and its definitely something i would like to do, cause it more fun to watch. 

Saturday, March 30, 2024

what even is a CCR?

 Hey Blog!

so after asking multiple people what A CCR I finally got a answer. (i missed the lecture) so planning for it sort of begins for this I have plan 2 media project that interesting answer 4 questions 

1: how does your project use or challenge genre conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?

2:  How does your project engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as real media text?

3: How did your production skill develop throughout this project?

4: How did I integrate technologies -software, hardware, and online- in this project?

To present this in an interesting matter got me thinking on what i like to watch to get the info from behind the scenes and I realized  liked to listen to podcast that  I can put on to get the info while doing something else or watch something like a game that keeps it more interesting like when celebrities are put on the spot to answer questions always keep me more entertain then just watching someone answer question. firstly i would like to answer the question in detail then find my exact plan to what I want to do. 

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Editing part 2

 Hey Blog! 

So while editing I didn't use any effects cause I have no use for it so after I figured out how to put the clips in the right order to make the story I had to figure out how to but the credits in the scene as well as the tittle and where it would fit, while watching the finish video i realized the perfect pace to put the credits is right in the beginning in the clip before the tittle. I liked the shadow behind the production making it stand out the production tittle and tittle of the film had the same color while the other credits i used white that still stands out with bluish background as well it seems to fill the bit of empty space on the side. 

The tittle i decided to blurry the clip and put the tittle on top of it while zooming in as well make the tittle to flicker To emphasize the mystery aspect of the film. While still having movement in the background. because without the separate two scenes I don't feel like it would make much sense have an entire black tittle slide then rather have the story keep going even in the background. 

Sunday, March 24, 2024


 hey Blog!

So i started editing on the plane ride I had today and with the change of story from the outline i had to change what I wanted in the scene instead of the two separate story's only connected by just the drawing i mixed scenes so it starts flashing back and forth to connect the story more.

The music and choosing which part i want was hard and it all started to sound the same so at one point i had to learn how to sped up the sound but not make it sound choppy so when the Mara scenes start the music starts to be a little faster to get audience more interested. but hearing the sound so many times is starting to annoy me but ohh well I have to preserver. 

I still to add the subheading but I'm leaving that up to another day.

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Film Day 2

 Hey Blog!

Okay today filming didn't turn out how i wanted to cause  my little sister who agreed to do this started getting annoyed, we only had an hour to film and the shots came out a little grainy, but since i leave for Chicago tomorrow I have to make do with what i got. It wasn't terrible but  it could've been better. 

Today filming was the second half of the intro, and frankly everything i had with the out line needed to change so i made this into two half one were the character seems to be in a more forest place and then gets faced by cars that she has never seen before. 

I decided for this scene to cover Mara (the character) in (fake) blood to give the suggestion that she isn't just a normal simple character that came to life but has something a little more sinister to her. the bow being white that signifies innocent that is tainted by blood shows that the character was created as innocent but isn't and became something evil. Though the blood did get us a lot of weird looks.

I wanted this scene to show a clash between the fantasy and real world and i think it was accomplished by the costuming that was definitely something not worn today with the cars that are used everyday in the modern world. 

Friday, March 22, 2024

Film day 1

Hey blog! 

First day of filming, my friend Anenaa agreed to help me today to be my actor for this scene even with the scheduling conflict (so I started filming later then expected). As well had to change the order of what I wanted to film so I end up filming in chronological order that means I had to tweak what I wanted to film and be on set. 

I originally wanted  to be have multiple drawings of the character Mara around the set room but since I hadn’t film her scene first, so we changed it to something more simple as just one drawing of Mara in a journal. And in all honestly focusing on one drawing made it seem more ominous. 

As well as the lighting I knew I wanted to use LED lights in this scene but I wanted it to change colors to show something supernatural is happing but while filming it just didn’t look so great so I ended up just using the LED light in the blue color and I think it still brought in the supernatural aspect without being too obvious. 

Honestly I’m actually happy about how today went sooo let’s hope that it turns out well tomorrow

Sunday, March 17, 2024


 Hey blog!  

Okay so for the cast on this project i was planning on using my friends that expressed interest on doing it but our schedules don't align for example today we were supossed to get together to film but the plan ended up falling through because they got so i realized it be easier to ask (bribe) my little sister into being Mara for the project. And for Athena probably asking my older sister to help because we have similar schedules and is easier to be on the same page. Also it was brought to my attention that for spring break in like a week I'm leaving town so I have less time to work on this project then I initially thought so using my siblings would make the filming schedule a lot easier to have since they live in the same house.

Saturday, March 16, 2024


 Hey blog! 

so tomorrow I'm filming so I'm getting all the props ready for it.  So first off I finished the bow for mara I wasn't sure what to do for the signature but after many terrible tries I went for a simple signature so that the actor playing Athena can  easily copy it while filming it as well as big enough to be seen when put in the actor for maras hair but not too big as well as right side, so it still looks like it was an artist signing their work when they are done.

As well as I bought a journal and necklace that have similar gems to them. The journal is Athenas sketch book while Mara wears the necklace to bring another connection to both character as well as hint to something more magical happing. Athena journal was bought with the intention of making more fantasy like so that the supernatural aspect can be tied to the scene that is supposed to be more realistic that i also believe that will bring more attention to journal then the previous plan of a normal sketch book. Even though Maras is darker implying that she is the villain of the story. I didn't plan this in the outline so while filming tomorrow I'm planning on emphasizing on the gems so the audience gets that this will be important later on. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2024


 hey blog! 

so I'm looking for suspenseful music for my project. Most Movies have there iconic scores such as Jaws has its main theme that leaves an impact on watchers mostly tying to iconic scene to get the right music is crucial on being able to leave an impact on watchers and be able to evoke the right feelings. 

But honestly all i knew starting this research i wanted a calm intro and building suspense as it went, and also that it was royalty free music. so ofc i went on youtube and the first sound I found was Mystery & Suspense Background Music For Films & Documentaries (Free Download) | John Doe. even though i liked it the ending gave more of a chase scene rather then just as the music making  the audience feel like everything is a bit off. As well as is really short and don't have much to work with. 

 But then I found was a video named broken souls. Which starts more calm then speeds up the tempo, while listening to it i could see the start of showing the messy desk Athena drawing and then  later show Mara. as well as its decently long i looked at more but i kept coming back to this sound piece and knew it was the one for this project. 

Sunday, March 10, 2024


 Hey blog!

One of the major mise-en-scene elements in a movie is costuming it represent the character and makes them stand out from the rest of the cast. Athena, who is the main character, is an artist who is constantly in her own head so how I imagine her is with baggy clothes and wearing a messy bun. This is to represent that Athena is living in her own head and doesn't really care about clothes but still have one element such as a jacket that still represent her creativity. This character in the film would also carry around headphones to emphasize her being a little out of touch with reality since music is one of the main way people disassociate. 

this is the plan I had for her:

And looking for my closet i found the perfect jacket that gives an artist vibe when you look at it because even though the base is green there is a lot of colors with it.

Mara is harder to find clothing for since I want her to stand out a bit more in modern times that's why i want to put her in outfit that gives more fantasy old timey vibe. To make it clear to the audience that Mara isn't supposed to be part of this reality. But also include a bow or a head piece that is very recognizable that hints to the audience that this is the character the Main character is obsessing over. 

 i found this in my closet that i think would work well with Mara since its definitely not something you see girls wearing out in public today: 

The bows I'm buying a white bow and going to put the initial or sign of Athena to represent it being Athena's character being alive, since all artist sign their work. I think its a cool way to represent Mara being Athena's creation. 

Saturday, March 9, 2024


Hey Blog!
 So I realized I haven't given the characters in this movie a name or given a lot of thought on how I want them portrayed.  but that's going to change now. So, we obviously got to start with the main character whose own characters come to life I wanted to give her a name connected with this or represent her art side, while looking for names (a lot of baby name list) I realized a lot of names have Greek mythology tied to them. My first instinct was to go with Iris goddess of rainbow and color until I remember there is a goddess who was created simply by a thought, this of course was the goddess of wisdom and handicraft, Athena. this name seemed like a perfect fun little hint of what will lay ahead of the film. 

The second character to appear in this opening to the film would be Athena's character Mara. I wanted these characters to have a name connected to death, but still be a simple name one. Mara if taken from the variation Morona means death, which I find fitting for a character that was created as a psychopathic killer but is still basic enough for a teenage writer and artist to come up with it on her own.

The names were something I wanted to get right because names are important to represent who the characters are, even harry from harry potter has a meaning "home leader" that represent who he is and what he is going to become in the rest of the film. Even though names aren't usually given much thought names are important identity of the character. 

Friday, March 8, 2024


 hey blog! 

Many movies and tv show like harry potter and stranger things have iconic fonts for their tittles that even though when someone is copying it you know immediately where its from. 


But even if in post production it is chosen not go completely with their own fonts certain genres have the same styles used for their tittle. Since in my project I'm planning to do the horror genre here some examples. 
Main thing I realized in most Horror movie tittles they usually have white, black, and red color scheme but some movies such the poltergeist which is dark blue have other dark colors.  So, for my intro I decided I wanted it to be Black and Red cause it would display on a computer screen better. Another thing I realized while looking at these fonts they all add to creepy atmosphere the movie is intended to create. So, first thing I did is research creepy fonts I could find on google. 
12 Best Scary Fonts On Google Docs in 2024 (Free) | SSP ( i found this site that should 12 different fonts and found ones I thought would fit the movie. 

Creepster: Kill your darlings       kill your darlings 

Jolly lodger:      Kill your darlings       kill your darlings 

Nosifer: Kill your darling              kill your darling 

Sometype mono: Kill Your Darling               Kill your darling 

I liked these fonts and wanted to see how each one would look in both red and black. and the two that most caught my attention where nosier in red because it gives a very violent tone to it and the sometype mono in black because its gives typing in a computer. If I could find a way to start of with kill your darling in the tittle scene to start off in the mono font and have it switch nosifer as well demonstrating the supernatural of it all I believe would be a good way to tie back to the movie.



Monday, March 4, 2024

hi blog! 
so quick update my friend Alexa agreed to help draw the Character for the film. I think I'm going to get some other people I know that can draw to help out to have different styles and variation of the drawings. So I'm planning on filming the ending scene first to give her an idea of what she has to draw. So it look's more plan.
- Manuela 

Saturday, March 2, 2024

out line

 hey blog!

I was planning out the basic out line for the first 2 minuets its not all the shots I want to include but its the basic storyboard for it. I'm mainly going to focus on the plot and using mise-en-scene to introduce the characters, as well as the plot.  

The main character starts in her mess of a desk shown the she is obsessing over the character she has created, I want to cover the whole desk or most of it with drawings as well as them to be foreshadowing other location the character will go to in the rest of the movie. as well as have a bunch of other random materials on the desk To show the main character being completely in their head. 

 As well show the Character the mc created before showing them on the screen. I'm also planning on doing something with light flashing before the scene switches to imply something supernatural happing probably when doing a close up to the drawings.  

Though there are some things I still want to think about before shooting this is my base line I'm using while I film. 

- manuela 

Friday, March 1, 2024

Group meeting

  hey blog! 

so we had group meeting about our project, We talked about what are the right steps to take and make the opening interesting. it was comforting knowing that people are struggling with similar issue with the opening. we don't know where to began. coming up with the idea part is done now we all are trying to figure how to start the story in an interesting way, that can introduce it. For my project we talked about ways to start it and maybe introduce the main character to be obsessed with this fictional world she is creating to make the connection to this fictional character stronger. I was given the suggestion to cover the set with drawings of the character to get this point across to the audience. As well as i was told to watch goosebumps to come up with some technique ideas for my plot. 

- Manuela 

Friday, February 23, 2024


     For this project I wanted to come up with a plot for the movie this film opening was going into. Personally, I wanted something that would be fun and interesting and not too cliche. At first, I wanted to a typical romcom, but all the ideas were the same quirky girl falls for someone who does not she know she exist and even though there is multiple ways to make the plot unique for this project, but I couldn't think of a plot I wanted to get into.  

    But it did get me into the thought of a coffee shop, which is a typical location in the romance genre, that led to the idea of the protagonist be writer since in media they are usually shown writing in coffee shops. This led my thoughts to the writing concept Kill your darlings, a phrase writers use meaning eliminating any part of your writing — characters, scenes, sentences, side plots — that, while you might love them, don't serve your story, and I knew this was going to be a cool tittle.  

    That's when the lightbulb clicked in my mind for the plot of this movie. A writer who writes character that are chaotic evil and they come to life and she has to go kill them before they cause too much trouble.  

    With this plot I cant wait to explore how to introduce the story in the film opening and imply the magical aspect that would be a theme later in the movie in the first couple minuets.  

  • - Manuela  

Doc research

So documentary if I’m going to be honest I don’t watch any documentary by my own violation unless it’s a murder doc but obviously we aren’t ...